Sunday, April 27, 2008

BuSy, bUsY, BUSY...

Man, know what that word means? I thought I knew what it meant, and then at one point, but then it morphs into something even more defining for the word. You think you're busy when you've to send 5 reports in one day. Wait till you need to submit orders for the entire month, submit reports for 12k worth of stocks (which you've to dig out from the screwed up computer system) and allocate stocks for the change of season, about 14k worth of them in a few days...wowee...
You know, but I would rather be busy. It keeps you from wandering, in the mind I meant. Idle minds are the devil's best playground.
I didn't think I would willingly go back to work on Saturday when it's my official rest day but it's almost becoming a norm for me to go back for a few hours some Saturdays to clear my workload.
I thought that was my limit. But then, today I went back for a few hours too! I know! It's a Sunday. It's supposed to be rest day and all. But I'm glad I did go back after all. The few hours helped clear some of the workload. Not to mention that I got a pleasant surprise after all. Thank God for landlines. My cell's battery was dying.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, monday, monday...

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