Saturday, July 14, 2007


I dream of the day when you stand beside me,
Worshipping our God,
I dream of the day you look down, smiling
at my drowsy face,
I dream of the day we walk, hand in hand
Along the seaside,
I dream of the day, warm in furs,
We take a picture, against the snowy landscape,
I dream of the day, we wear
Matching rings,
I dream of the day, you hold me
When I cry,
I dream of the day, you look at me
As I laugh up at you,
I dream of the day, we walk down
Our home's stairs together,
I dream of the day, we curl up
And listen to the thunderstorm outside,
I dream of the day, we tease each other,
As we wash up the dishes
I dream of the day, you eat my mediocre cooking,
But tell me it's the best you ever tasted,
I dream of the day, when you surprise me
By showing up unexpectedly at my doorstep,
I dream of the day, when you lower the temperature of the air conditioner,
Because you saw me rubbing my arms, as goosebumps rise,
I dream of the day, you tease me
About my ignorance,
I dream of the day, when we invite the Holy Spirit,
To preside over us and our household.

1 comment:

F!ojo said...

Beautiful Dreams...
When are you getting married?