Thursday, April 12, 2007

Moving on...

Finally, it’s official. My sister and I have moved out of our dear godmother’s home, leaving behind chubby little Esther, jovial pig mama and uncle. Therefore, I felt it appropriate to have some sort of closure to the previous ashleewong@blogspot as it has not been updated frequently, as of last year. For old posts do visit it again.
Last night was the 2nd night we slept in the new place. But on Wednesday night when we moved, I felt a grip of apprehension. Familiarity was all gone. We were moving to a new place! No familiar sights, no familiar eating places, no familiar potholes (somehow, I do manage to drive straight into them still!), instead unfamiliar territory, unfamiliar roads, unfamiliar foliage, unfamiliar houses and condominiums around.
I was horribly homesick that night. It was like wrenching out some roots and you know what? It hurts. I wanted to run back there. I tried to stay as long as I could when we packed, but it was getting late and we needed to go. We still had to sweep and mop the floor at our new place to prepare for the lorry that will be arriving with our beds, cupboards and tables.
Is it just me or the cycle of life? Even amidst the sadness, hope springs forth, not like a deer leaping gracefully but like a doe, peering shyly out from behind a bush.
Tender feelings began to take up places in my heart for our new home. At least it was ours. We could decorate it the way we want it, move the things where we want to, put up pictures of our own, have our own space.
Awakening a new chapter again…

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