Saturday, April 14, 2007


You know how the feelings are when you see an ex boyfriend or someone you used to have a crush on and you still feel something? It's an annoyance. Especially when that particular someone's with another lady.
The lady may be a perfectly nice person, even your friend but somehow these feelings still wreaked your day. How about that?
Pictures of them lovey-dovey. It's not that you don't have a great life, but well...can't help wondering if you would be that happy if you were them.
You feel lousy because you feel guilty. You feel lousy because you know you shouldn't feel this way. You feel lousy because you know it's not right. You want to have some sort of end to this, and annoyingly it pops up when you feel least like dealing with it.
Thoughts run away with you. What if they get married and sent you an invitation. Would you go? Hell NO!
You've even thought of running away. Is England far enough? Sighh...the end of the world probably isn't far enough. What now?
The person who says time heals is a wise man indeed. But at times like these, can't time fly by instead of dragging by? It even feels like it's not moving.

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