What ifs, life's full of it. What happens if I'd done turned right instead of turning left? Would I have avoided the accident?
What if I'd not taken lunch with my colleagues? I'd have missed out on the chance to enlist a colleague's help?
What if I'd not step into a relationship? Definitely it would've been different.
Do all girls have a dream guy that they would like to marry?
At least I do. Most of the time I think that the guy I would like to marry is too good for me. Is that why I didn't get him?
Maybe I got something better.But I'll always wonder when I see the dream guy, what if I'd ended up with him? Would I have floated on cloud 9 most of the time because this is what I dreamt of?
Or would it be a rude awakening? Knocking me back to my senses and thoughts that say, this is not what I dreamt of. It's not supposed to be like this!
Maybe romance and love is overrated.
But ain't it every little girl's dream to marry the dream guy? Ha!
Curiosity will always make one wonder, what if I'd make an iniatitive to snag that guy?
But you know? I can't bring myself to chase a guy, call me old fashioned, call me out dated, but I like to be courted, ha! So there.
Tell me, would you choose somebody who has little interest in you but because you made so much effort to be with him, he accepts and you're an item?
Or would you choose somebody who courts you, is patient with you even when you're not sure and who's tender with you, although you don't like him quite as much as the other one?